Value-Added Data Upload Procedures
1. Activating your FFT Data Upload Account
1.1 Registration Process Overview
You will require an FFT Data Upload Account in order to upload your examination data to FFT. Once we have your examination data, we will send through guidance on how to access your separate GL Value-Added Dashboards.
Please note, this account is separate to the one used to access FFT Aspire Analytics self-evaluation reports.
FFT Data Upload users are nominated by the School Principal via the FFT User Access.
Nominated FFT Data Upload users will receive an email from [email protected] (see Appendix 1 for email content). The email contains an Activate account hyperlink which is linked to the registration page.
- Click on the Activate account link to be directed to the screen below. Enter your FFT username (this is your Testwise Customer ID) and click Next
- Enter a securepassword of your choice i.e. a minimum of 8 characters, which should contain a mix of upper and lower-caseletters, numbers and special characters (ie. @)(*&_+).
- Click Reset
- Click Return to Login
2. Uploading examinationdata using the FFT Data Upload Site
2.1 Logging into the FFT Data Upload Site
- Go to the website
- Enter your username and password and click Login
- The Welcome page displays details of any files uploaded by the school
- The files most recently uploaded are displayed at the top of the list
- All columns can be resorted by clicking on the column title
- Files are classified by File Type, Date Year, File Name, Date Uploaded and Uploaded By
- Users can change the number of entries displayed per page
*** Please Note ***
- You must ensure that you select the correct Data Year and File Type when uploading data to FFT.
- E.g. If you are uploading examination data for 2018, please ensure that the Data Year field is 2018 and the correct File Type field is selected. Failure to select the correct file parameters will result in your data not being processed and therefore it will not be available to view on FFT Aspire Analytics.
- Examination files should be uploaded to the FFT Data Upload site using either an exam board file (Excel or csv) or FFT Template.
- FFT will always use the most recent versionof an uploaded file type to generate the Aspire Analytics reports, i.e. if there are two exam files uploaded, FFT will use the most recently uploaded file, based on the Date Uploaded column. So, if there are two exam board files from the same awarding authority,these two files should be merged as one file prior to uploading.
- Schools that cannot upload their files to the FFT Data Upload site have the option of uploading their files at the next scheduled upload. The dates for scheduled uploads will be issued to Schools via email.
- The uploaded data will be processed within a fortnight and become ‘live’ on the FFT Aspire Analytics dashboard site for evaluation and analysis.
3. Uploading your Examination Files to FFT
- To login to the FFT Data Upload site (refer to Section 2.1 above)
- Click on the Upload new data for your school button
- Select the Data Year and File Type from the drop-down lists - either ‘FFT Template’ or ‘Pupil Performance (NI schools only)’ or ‘Exam Board Files
- Please email for the FFT Template file. Please insert your school’s data using the same column headers as the FFT Template. The subject codes are listed on the second tab for your reference.
- Click on Choose Files
- In the Choose File to Upload window, select the location of where your file(s) are stored (e.g. S:\Exam Performance\FFT Data)
- Select the file name that corresponds to the fields selected in 3.3 above - e.g.FFT Performance v4 2018.csv if you have selected 2018 and Pupil Performance (NI schools only). These values should be amended depending upon exam year and the file being uploaded.
- Click Submit
- The following Confirm Upload message will be displayed
- Click Upload
- Once the file has been uploaded the following message is displayed
- Thank you. You have successfully uploaded a file
- Click the Home button, then repeat steps 3.2 to 3.10 if necessary.
- Once all files have been uploaded, they will be displayed as shown below:
- When you are finished uploading, click Log out
*** You must ensure that you select the correct Data Year and FileType values when uploading your files. Failure to do so will result in your files not being processed or loaded into FFT Aspire Analytics ***
4. Troubleshooting
4.1 Forgotten FFT Data Upload Password
- If you have forgotten your password, go to and click Forgotten Password?
- Enter your username
- Click Submit
- You will see the following message
- You will receive an email containing a Reset your password link. See Appendix 2 for the wording of the email.
- Click on the Reset your password link embedded in this email to complete the password reset process.
Appendix 1 - Activate account for the FFT Data Upload site - email
Your school has shown an interest in the GL Education Value-Added Service. You have been nominated as a GL Education user by your school Principal. Please click on the link below to complete the setup foryour GL Education upload account, needed in order to collect in your school’s examination results.
Your user name is your Testwise Customer ID.
Once activated, you will be able to start uploading examination data on behalf of your school.
Once we have your examination data, we will send through guidance on how to access your separate GL Education Value-Added Service dashboards.
If you have any issues activating your account, please contact the GL Education helpdesk at [email protected]
Many thanks,
GL Education
Appendix 2 – Forgotten Password? email
You have received this email in response to your GL Education Value-Added Service upload account password reset request.
Please reset this password by clicking on the link below:
If you have not requested to reset your password, please contact the GL Education helpdesk at [email protected]
Many thanks,
GL Education