
Order Confirmation

Once you have placed your order you will be presented with an order summary screen detailing what you have bought, how much it cost and delivery options. If an order is generated, you will receive an Order ID number. At this time you will also be sent email confirmation of the details for your records. This email does not, however, indicate that your order has been, or begun to be processed or constitute a contract of purchase. If you are paying by credit/debit card, payment will be taken at this point. Please be aware that if you do not already have a GL trade account with us you will be asked to officially register with us, which can take 3-5 working days, and may lead to delays shipping your order (even if Express delivery is selected). If you do not register with us or have tried to order restricted, school assessments only, then your order will be cancelled and your payment refunded within 7 days.

Delivery Options

For online orders postage and packing will be added during checkout and is based on your location and the weight of your order.

Change My Delivery

If you want us to change your delivery address please specify the new delivery address by emailing us at [email protected] quoting your order ID and we will make every effort to change it for you. However, we can only change the delivery address details for an order up until the point where the order has been picked ready for dispatch. Once the order has been registered with our courier and you have received your dispatch confirmation, the address cannot be changed.