Change Details of a Sitting
Once you have created a sitting , you can view its details, if it has a status of Live or Draft displayed within the Sittings List.
You cannot change details of a sitting if it has a status of Expired, Closed, Started or Completed.
To change details of a Sitting
1. Click the Sittings button on the home screen. All existing sittings are displayed in the Sittings List.
2. Find the sitting you want to change details of and click the Actions button . The Edit and Download Access Codes buttons will now appear, overlapping the sitting Name column.
3. Click the Edit button to display the Sittings Wizard.
4. Make changes to the sitting, as required.
Note: Changing the date of an existing Sitting will reset the Student selection you would have made for it and you will need to select them again.
5. Click the Save button. If you added any Students, the number of credits deducted will be the same as the number of Students added. The Sitting you have just changed will be displayed at the top of the Sittings List.
6. To return to the home screen, click on the Home button.